Paris B. Obdan is a psychologist and a writer with expertise in neurodiversity and empathy disorders. Trained in psychology at Carnegie Mellon and Harvard Universities with an MBA from Quantic, he has 15 years of experience in careers as both a corporate strategist and as a psychotherapist. Currently he studies and writes about the psychology and philosophy of arts, sports, and consciousness.

I Cry at Hamilton
I really do. And not just drops of anime tears. I full blown ugly cry uncontrollably every time I watch Hamilton in person. I believe this is because it is, to me, the single greatest work of art created thus far by humankind. And it’s not like I didn’t…

Anatomy of a Fall is the Best Depiction of Vulnerable Narcissism on Film
This might be the best movie I’ve ever seen. I was superglued to the couch for 2 hours and 24 minutes while checking my phone an aggregate total of zero times. I honestly think I may not have moved at all. No rolling to my left, not to my right, not laying down to my left on my fun pillows for a 20 minute…

Panpsychism & the Krakoan Resurrection Protocols
Pound-for-pound, Jonathan Hickman’s work on X-Men is the 3rd most important era after Chris Claremont’s OG 17 year run––which made X-Men into what it is today––, and Grant Morrison’s 45 issue run on New X-men––which brought mutants into the 21st century.

You Spinoza Me Right Round, Baby, Right Round
I took a class called Reason, Passion, & Social Cognition my junior year in college. Although it was still a survey class held in a large auditorium, I have unexpectedly fond memories of it, almost as if I may have learned a lot in it or something. It was taught by…

Art of Artistry and Intentional Living by Vienna Teng
The entire scene is brightly vivid in my head. The very moment, as well as the subsequent story beats, of my being exposed to the person who is, looking back at my life, one of my top few favourite artists of all time. My freshman year roommate had his desk under his bunk level bed, while I had mine adjacent to my (non-bunk altitude) bed where…

GOAT Affairs: Jordan vs LeBron
I have my definitive answer; and I get to have an answer that carries weight—thanks to belonging to a generational sweet spot. The first ever NBA spectacle that I ever laid eyes on was the Western Conference Finals between Seattle SuperSonics and Houston Rockets in 1996. I was floored that there was a team that had the same name of one of my favourite video game characters

Remains of the Movie
Ever since Sir Anthony Hopkins came out as autistic, I’ve been able to experience his work at a different altitude. It’s typical of humans with zero degrees of empathy (either cognitive and emotional zero degrees) to be fascinated by the performance of what we call acting, and subsequently making sense of the world that way. Think Abed, from community: