Your heritage doesn’t have to condemn you
If you sense the darkness in yourself and don’t want to be that way, do try––there are ways
Dark-triad related traits, revolving around narcissism and anti-social behavior, exists in humanity’s gene pool. It’s there; frankly, it’s useful in various situations; and it’s unclear if it’s going away anytime soon, if at all.
Simultaneously this is all a spectrum of traits of varying intensities and degrees of maladaptiveness. Some just render certain individuals difficult to deal with, some affect their social and professional lives in major ways.
What usually determines whether these types of people are open to help or not is the degree of insight. Narcissists or psychopaths who lack self-awareness––which unfortunately is the case most of the time––do not think there is anything wrong with them. Those people are essentially unreachable.
But if you’re lucky enough to have enough self-awareness to understand that this is not normal and is getting in the way of your living, you can ask for help and guidance on how to be healthier and better adjusted––despite what your neurological reality might be. I’ve helped plenty of self-aware narcissists and ethical psychopaths have more comfortable lives in the past. It’s quite a difficult and arduous journey, but meaningful change is possible.
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